The Internet is an amazing advancement in technology. The Internet has made a great impact on us humans. The Internet provides so much for us. Communication, information and fun are only small pieces of what the Internet gives us. Day by day, the Internet is updated. Additionally the Internet is also getting bigger and better day by day. With the Internet, you can do things like chat with your friends and family, get the latest celebrity gossip and research stocks. All this is beneficial because the Internet gives the whole world a lot of things. Without the Internet, how would you know to sell your stocks and gain money? How could you keep up with friends and family? The Internet lets us gain much more than knowledge or money. It pulls us together. I believe it has made a great "footprint" on society because the Internet provides us everything we need. There are many online stores to shop from, there is communication, and there is so much information. If we wanted to, I bet we could just stay at home with the Internet and have everything we wanted. Today we can even order food online and have it delivered to our door. What is there that we can't do with the Internet?