Sunday, November 25, 2007

Runing VS Walking in the rain... Is it worth running in the rain?

The episode that I watched answered this question: Do you stay drier while running in the rain or walking in the rain? The outcome was something to think about!
In this episode Jamie and Adam tested the myth "do you stay drier while running in the rain?". Adam and Jamie created a statement of the idea that if you run, the rain falls with force on your whole body but if you walk, it only falls on your head and shoulders! Their hypothesis is that walking is better! They went through many different steps to decide how they would make it rain- instead of waiting for the next downpour. This experiment would have a controlled condition - the rain! To get started, they had a lot of information to gather. They would need to know the velocity of the rain, the speed that you are running, and many other different things to factor in! This is all just a LITTLE of everything that they would need to know! There's much more... but let's move on to SAFETY RULES!
Safety rules are very important to ANY experiment/test! But, the team just may bend a few rules every once in a while. This broken rule doesn't really apply to this particular experiment, but, Jamie needs to do something about his beard and moustache! He should tie it up! Adam used a harness while he was in the machine that bought him up to the pipes in the air. Even though the machine had bars around the platform he was standing on, he was being cautious and used the harness anyways!
The episode used science in many ways! This was an interesting episode on the ways it used science! It actually used math too! Adam and Jamie always talked about velocity. The velocity of the rain drops was important for having the effect of real rain. The scientists also needed to know the science of rain and how it works. They needed to know things like the way the rain travels.
A science background for a career in special effects is important because being a scientist will help you learn how science will create special effects. Science is the answer to basically everything, so knowing science can help you decide how to connect special effects to science.

In the end, the result is that they should walk, it'll be better. Another case closed and... BUSTED!

For More Information on MythBusters, go to the Discovery Channel website or channel!